Sunday, June 3, 2012

Chris/Meg Class

The Teen class in Family Guy Online is a pure and simple DPS (Damage Per Second) class. Able to take a hit almost as well as the Dad class, the Teen has an array of quickly refilling basic attacks and interesting special attacks. The first self-heal ability is available at level 6 and is the ability to "Lick a Toad", their special attacks are all variations on the things you have seen teens do in the show, especially "Toad" based attacks.

They move a little slower than the Baby class, but not as slow as the Dad class, and have health that falls in the mid-range of the spectrum. They work well when teamed up with other classes, specifically the Baby (who they can pull aggro off of) and the Mom (who can keep them healed and buffed). They can built energy faster than any of the other classes simply because they can attack faster, and more often than any of the other classes.