Sunday, May 27, 2012

Lois Class

To continue my Family Guy Online information, I will continue to discuss classes. The Lois (A.K.A Mom) class is the healer. This class has moderate hp, and has the best healing abilities, from the ranged, single target "Kiss the Boo Boo" to the AOE "Chicken Soup" heal over time ability.

They are also no slouch in a stand up fight either. The lois class gets some interesting weapons, like a frying pan, and at higher levels a gatling gun. While unable to deal out the damage of the teen class, nor take the punishment of the dad, the mom class is a good support and "middle of the road" class, good as a beginning class for solo players and players new to the system in general.

As the classes grow (and the level cap increases) there will be more known, and more abilities, and I can not wait to see where they go. If you have not tried this game yet, please do so, and feel free to play a Lois character, they do not need to be female.

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